Unique Ideas for Senior PortraitsUnique Ideas for Senior Portraits

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Unique Ideas for Senior Portraits

I was excited to have my senior portraits done. After all, these would pictures my mother would hang in her home for years to come and these pictures would help commemorate a huge accomplishment in my life. However, after meeting with a few photographers, my excitement faded. Many of the photographers offered up pictures and poses that have been repeated by other seniors over the past decade. I wanted something unique, and I was having a hard time finding it. After a lot of research, I finally came up with unique ideas for senior portraits. I started this website to share my unique ideas, hoping to help other high school seniors who want their pictures to be a reflection of their individuality and uniqueness.

Two Ways You Can Determine If You Need Maintenance On Your Air Conditioner

The blazing hot days of summer can be a lot of fun, but they can also cause your air conditioner to work really hard. While it's always a good idea to plan on regular maintenance for your air conditioner and other HVAC equipment, it's also good to know if there's something amiss with your air conditioner between scheduled repairs. There are two things that are easy to look for to ensure your AC is running properly:

Pay Attention to the Air Quality in Your Home

Although running an air conditioner is generally safe, there are instances where the air quality can change in your home if it's not working right. An increase in dust, an increase in allergies or asthma in family members, or bad smells can all indicate that your air conditioner isn't properly functioning. If any of these things occur, you'll want to examine the air filter and see if it's full of dirt and debris. Changing a dirty filter many remedy the problem, but if you've been running your AC without proper filtration, you may still need cleaning maintenance for your AC unit and air ducts. Excessive dirt running through the system often clogs major components of the HVAC system. For the best quality of air you should:

  • Change your filter every three months in the off season and every month in the summer.
  • Have air ducts and vents professionally cleaned and checked for air leaks every season.
  • Cover your air conditioner and ensure it's properly sealed off during the fall and winter months to keep it clean.  

Pay Attention to Air Flow Throughout Your Home

Aside from noticing the quality of your home's air, the next best thing you can pay attention to is the flow of air throughout your home. If one or two rooms is not getting great flow, that could be a sign of a major problem with your air conditioner's fan. The fan is the one component that works the hardest, and it usually is the first of the major AC parts to need replacement. When a fan starts to rattle, or if it isn't blowing as hard as normal, minor maintenance instead of replacement may still be possible. The following can be done by an HVAC repair expert that may extend the life of your fan:

  • Clean the blade and fan rotator and make sure it's properly lubricated. 
  • Tighten loose bolts and parts that secure the fan in place, including the fan mount.
  • Replace damaged or loose wires that have been weathered.

Making your air conditioner last for a long time without serious repair is possible. All you need to do is pay attention to those signs, such as a dirty filter or poor flow, that indicate things aren't running right. Not delaying maintenance will make it much more likely you'll avoid replacing major parts.