Unique Ideas for Senior PortraitsUnique Ideas for Senior Portraits

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Unique Ideas for Senior Portraits

I was excited to have my senior portraits done. After all, these would pictures my mother would hang in her home for years to come and these pictures would help commemorate a huge accomplishment in my life. However, after meeting with a few photographers, my excitement faded. Many of the photographers offered up pictures and poses that have been repeated by other seniors over the past decade. I wanted something unique, and I was having a hard time finding it. After a lot of research, I finally came up with unique ideas for senior portraits. I started this website to share my unique ideas, hoping to help other high school seniors who want their pictures to be a reflection of their individuality and uniqueness.

Real Time Accounting Saas: What You And Your Consumers Can Expect

Software as a Service, or SaaS, has innumerable applications. Of those multiple applications, accounting software is probably one of the most popular and/or most widely used. When the accounting software also functions in real time, you get the most accurate and up-to-date listings of all of your financial accounts. If you choose to move into this particular technology with SaaS, here is what you and your consumers can expect from this software package.

Automatic Billing and Real Time Collections of Accounts Receivable

When you work with real time software, there is no waiting around for bills to be paid or money to be received. Your consumers are billed automatically and payment is promptly taken. Not only does this simplify your accounting, but also your consumers' accounting because they can see exactly what was taken from their financial accounts and when. As an added bonus, some of this software sends your consumers an itemized bill via email, alerting them to the fact that they paid the bill and this is their receipt for the charges.

Charge Tabs Are in Real Time Too

If you request a credit or debit card to which charges may be applied, the consumer can charge goods and services to his/her account with your business. Both you and the consumer can see the charges and credits (for returned items) in real time, even if the card is not fully charged until the end of a business week. Any time your consumers want to see their charges, you can send them the invoice or statement that has steadily been created over the last several hours, days, weeks or even months. Consumers can close out their accounts and promptly pay their bills at any time, and have the funds transfer from their accounts almost instantly to yours.

All Charges for Items "Purchased" Are "Soft" Charges Until Finalized

The other nice advantage of real time accounting SaaS is that all charges for items "purchased" are "soft" charges until finalized. That means that both you and the consumers can see the pending authorizations against their cards and accounts, but there is still time for the consumer to reverse any of these charges and return products and services as needed. Refunds only occur after all charges have been successfully completed, which usually only takes a couple of days after a consumer has cleared and closed the account. If you are interested in acquiring real time accounting software in SaaS format, talk to someone at GP Saas about these types of programs.

To learn more, contact a company like MSPartnership