Unique Ideas for Senior PortraitsUnique Ideas for Senior Portraits

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Unique Ideas for Senior Portraits

I was excited to have my senior portraits done. After all, these would pictures my mother would hang in her home for years to come and these pictures would help commemorate a huge accomplishment in my life. However, after meeting with a few photographers, my excitement faded. Many of the photographers offered up pictures and poses that have been repeated by other seniors over the past decade. I wanted something unique, and I was having a hard time finding it. After a lot of research, I finally came up with unique ideas for senior portraits. I started this website to share my unique ideas, hoping to help other high school seniors who want their pictures to be a reflection of their individuality and uniqueness.

The Ins And Outs Of Business Signs

If you're opening a new business, you need to create a high-quality business sign to make your company stand out among your competitors. However, if you don't consider this step carefully, there's a good chance you might make a fatal business mistake. Consider the following information before creating a sign.

Why Do They Matter?

Business signs are much more important than many business owners realize. They are one of the most potent ways for the word of your business to spread. Yes, advertising sources such as the newspaper and Internet advertising are vital, but the shocking thing is that word-of-mouth on most businesses is spread by people passing by and seeing the sign.

For example, a study by Out Door Sign America found that 35% of people learned about a business while passing it on the road. Compare that to the 10% of people that learned about it from advertising and you can see why signs are more important

What Kind Of Signs Attract Customers?

Perhaps the most important thing about business signs is designing one that stands out from your competitors. Ugly business signs are likely to drive away customers and give your business a bad name. Important things to consider when designing your business sign include:

  • Eye-catching colors – One study found that 80% of a sign's recognition is due to its unique color combination. Think of successful businesses in your area and try to remember their sign. Does the font stick out more than the color? Probably not!
  • Contrasting colors – Use colors that create a unique contrast in order to make your sign easily readable. For example, red words on a yellow background is usually very readable, but brown on a tan background will be muffled and hard to figure out.
  • Captivating font – Avoid overused fonts such as "Comic Sans" when designing your sign and utilize classy and business-appropriate fonts, such as Helvetica, Times New Roman, Bodoni, and Futura.
  • Larger is better – Small signs may seem classier than large ones, but larger signs, with bigger letters, are easier to see. Just think of the times you've been driving on a freeway, looking for a gas station: do you stop at the gas station with the giant, easy-to-see sign? Most likely.

How Much Will I Spend?

Sign costs vary depending on the needs of your business. For example, Cost Helper estimates that most business signs require a $5,000 to $15,000 investment from new business owners. That kind of cost may seem prohibitive, but as you've seen, good signs are absolutely crucial to a good business.

However, there are ways you can keep your costs down while still creating a great business sign. For example, you could simply focus on lettering the side of your building, which the same article by Cost Helper estimates can cost as little as $1,000. While you shouldn't scrimp on your sign, a handsome temporary sign can save you a little money and attract business at the same time.

By following these simple rules, you are putting your business in a great position to succeed. But only if your sign stays in good shape: don't let it fall into disrepair or people will laugh at the missing letters or broken areas. Instead, find a sign repair business near you and have them perform regular maintenance checks.