Unique Ideas for Senior PortraitsUnique Ideas for Senior Portraits

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Unique Ideas for Senior Portraits

I was excited to have my senior portraits done. After all, these would pictures my mother would hang in her home for years to come and these pictures would help commemorate a huge accomplishment in my life. However, after meeting with a few photographers, my excitement faded. Many of the photographers offered up pictures and poses that have been repeated by other seniors over the past decade. I wanted something unique, and I was having a hard time finding it. After a lot of research, I finally came up with unique ideas for senior portraits. I started this website to share my unique ideas, hoping to help other high school seniors who want their pictures to be a reflection of their individuality and uniqueness.

Why Your Dental Website's Landing Page Isn't Working For You

If your dental practice isn't attracting new clients, you may want to examine your dental website's landing page. Many clients search the Internet for the dental services they need. It may be easier and faster than calling or emailing the offices in their area. But if they can't navigate your site or find what they need within the first 10-20 seconds of clicking on your landing page, they leave. You lose potential new clients and income. But don't give up on your website. Make a change instead. Here's one reason why your dental website's landing page isn't working for you.

Is Your Landing Page Overwhelming to Visitors?

When multiple landing page ads, pop-up questionnaires and floating "contact us" icons bombard your clients, they may feel overwhelmed by your site. Although these website features can be of use to your dental office, they shouldn't irritate your site's visitors. Make your website feel more approachable to your potential clients by removing this type of clutter from your landing page.

Here are some ideas you may find useful:

  • Place your contact icon or button at the bottom of the landing page, as well as on each subsequent page in your website — When clients want to use your services, they will click on the "contact us" icon to leave a message, or to find out where you are and how to get there.
  • Use popup questionnaires sparingly — Questionnaires that ask visitors to give their opinion about your site immediately after they arrive to your landing page might seem pushy. Place a questionnaire link in a corner of your landing page, or somewhere at the bottom of the landing page.
  • Avoid excessive pop-up ads — Avoid placing pop-up ads that don't pertain to your dental site's services on your landing page. Instead, use one or two ads that highlight your most popular services and treatments.

You can also generate more interest in your business by using 2-3 real photos, such as before and after pictures, on the landing page. In addition, insert a link to your blog on the landing page. Many clients want to know more about you and your services before they make a decision to visit your dental office. 

Who Should You Contact To Improve Your Landing Page?

Making your landing page look and feel more appealing to clients requires the expertise and skills of a professional dental website designer. A website designer can help you put together a landing page that draws attention to your services and treatments. You can use a landing page template that's already made by the designer, or you can ask the designer customize a template for you.

Changing how your landing page looks and functions isn't going to be easy. But, with the right help, you can make dental website design changes like these above quickly, professionally and effectively.